Sounds pretty goofy, right? But I was thinking about my life and what I have been doing to further God's kingdom and I came to the conclusion that my spiritual life had reached a safe place. I've been working for God, my church, and my fellow man and all that good stuff. But I had not really been stretching myself for God the way that I could. I have been conveniently working for God without completely going all out for God. Sure, I look good on paper, but what more could I be doing to take my Christian walk to the next level? Essentially, I have been playing it safe and not getting "dangerous" for God.
How can one get dangerous for God? Getting dangerous for God means that no matter what the situation, you make sure that people see God in you. Whether at work, at home, in the streets, or at church; the people that you come into contact with should see something different about you. Let's be real for a second. I have worked in a furniture store, an airline reservation office, an insurance company, and two car dealerships. I know that there is drama in every workplace. If I am truly being dangerous for God, I'm not going to get along with everybody in my office because everybody in my office is not seeking God like I should be seeking God. Being dangerous for God means not knowing every joke or every office hook-up. It means not being the most popular person in the office. It means that you are set apart.
So how can we start being dangerous for God? We should actively seek God's guidance in every aspect of our lives. That means that we should seek God first before every decision. And we should be receptive to God when he answers our questions. When we do that, we will truly start to be dangerous for God. And other people will begin to notice. They will wonder what is going on with you. And maybe, if you're really dangerous, they just might ask you what it is that makes you so different. And that will be your opportunity to do something else dangerous. You can witness to them right there at work. So let's go out there. We are under attack. The enemy is all around us. And they are serious. So....Let's get Dangerous.
Peace and Love,
Rev. Mike

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