Sunday, January 3, 2010

Money Ministry

Don't look at me that way.  I'm not talking about asking for money for a ministry.  I am talking about something that happened to me on the way to work a couple of weeks ago.  I was reaching for my wallet to pay for my unhealthy breakfast when I noticed that the money had something written on it.  Someone had written "God loves you" on the money.  Now I don't fully know what their intentions were when they wrote that; but I do know how it affected me.  As I stated below, my family and I have been going through a bit of a stretching process over the past couple of months.  To be quite honest, we have been going through the process for the majority of 2009.  So to see that on something as common as a 5 dollar bill made me stop for just a moment and reflect on the fact that God does indeed love me. 

And while I thought about the things that God had allowed us to go through over the last few months, I also realized how God has kept us over the past few months as well.  I received encouragement to go on right there in the drive thru.  And this particular moment of encouragement was brought about because someone wrote "God loves you" on a five dollar bill. 

After I took the pictures of the money, I used it to pay for my food.  Imagine how many times that one five dollar bill would change hands over the next week.  I gave it to the lady at the drive thru window.  She probably gave it to someone as part of their change for a larger bill.  That person probably gave the 5 dollar bill to someone else to pay for something else.  That 5 dollar bill probably passed through the hands of a number of people during the remainder of the week.  And who knows how many people touched it before I received it.  Just by looking at those three words, I received encouragement.  I just wonder how many people were encouraged by just seeing those words as well.  Now I am not encouraging you to write the twenty-third Psalms on all your money!  I'm simply saying that there are many ways to minister to people that are unique and effective.  What unique method can you think of to minister to someone?  Go ahead and put it into action.  The world is waiting to be encouraged. 

Peace and Love,

Rev. Mike


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  1. Yaay! Rev Mike is back! I pray that all is moving forward in yours and your family's lives!
    God is good and He will bless you in small and large and medium ways! You already know that those trying times are the stuff of growth! "But it hurts, God" God tells us to lean on Him and not to our own understanding. Happy New Year to you and I probably will start writing love messages on my money anyway! :-D

  2. You ALWAYS have a great way of encouraging us to do something positive for others. I appreciate your ministry and thank God I found you on FB!! Be blessed in 2010!

  3. It was so simple but as part of God's plan it is such a huge thing. Isn't it incredible how God works it out so that it comes into your hand at just the right time? It's mindblowing how awesome He is to be able to do that!!

  4. What a simple message. I am sure that many people were blessed by this and for some I am sure that the message rang loud and clear for their time of need.

  5. Thank you all for your comments. It's good to be writing again!
