was written in huge block letters that ran the entire length of the vehicle. It also had:
written on the rear driver's side window on it. I am assuming that this is a reference to the scripture in John 3:16.. "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life"(KJV). I didn't think to try to take a picture of it with my mega-megapixel camera phone; we were too busy discussing whether or not it was a great testimony or too much of a display. Now I don't know if my co-worker is a believer or not. But I do know that he didn't care for the display. He commented that whenever he sees someone with a huge display of some kind on a vehicle or a T-shirt he has usually discovered that they are hypocrites. He didn't like the fact that the owner of the vehicle was professing his or her faith so loudly.
I will admit that I thought that it was a bit much for my taste. I have found that I am usually able to witness to people when I use a more subtle approach. I have also found that one of three things happen when you make a grand display like the one we saw.
1. Either they turn off people because they come accross as arrogant..
2. They receive a loud ovation or condemnation from other people who like to demonstrate their beliefs the same way.
3. They become a target for those who looking for an opportunity to challenge the Christian faith.
My co-worker and I ended up talking about organized religion for ten minutes as a result of seeing the SUV. And I was able to let him know that I was a "Real Man " that believed in God and Jesus as the Son of God. I don't think I converted him; but perhaps a seed was planted. Which brings me to the point of this particular thought. How much should we as Christians advertise our beliefs? Would you wear any of these T-shirts?
Or do you think that it is trying too hard to make Jesus cool or hip? How about these?
Would you use these items to show your faith? Or do you think that they cross the line? Again, are we trying too hard to make Jesus cool? Or should we just let the Holy Spirit do it's work? What do you think?
Rev. Mike

Mike, this is an important topic. I too prefer a more subtle approach. I understand that I must express my discipleship, but the fact is that that vehicle (there is one like that on my Navy base too) is flashy. It's meant to bring attention to the owner of the car, not Christ. Be a man, love Jesus. We should love Jesus no matter what. See my point?
ReplyDeleteNo one in the Bible, outside of the temple, used anything remotely as flashy as what we're talking about. And trinkets like you described are just that...trinkets. They don't save anyone. Faith comes from hearing, not by sight.
I like the t-shirts. I have one that I like that I wear around the house only because I too am concerned about being over the top. However, if one can wear a t-shirt showing team spirit, rep their home town, or a family reunion, then why can't one wear a shirt displaying their love for Jesus? That's all I'm saying.
ReplyDeleteThe thing is with such a bold display of one's faith is that it creates an awful lot of pressure - most people have a pretty good idea of how a Christian should behave. For example, if the man driving that SUV was unkind or lied to people or similar, then non-Christians would judge him more harshly than if he didn't make such a statement of his faith. I like the idea of declaring your faith boldly, but it should be through actions rather than words.
ReplyDeleteHi Rev Mike! I think that the trinkets and T-shirt are a bit much. I wouldn't wear them myself. I get a feeling that they trivialize our
ReplyDeleteLord somehow they make Him kind of common or on the same level as just anybody. He doesn't seem exalted in these trinkets and T-Shirts. I think it sends a subtle message. I agree with Anneliese that we should be BOLD in our Christian actions, not in T-Shirts and jewelry. Just my opinion.
I actually like the "Body piercing saved my life" T-shirt. But I think sometimes we can overdo it in our enthusiasm. The litmus test has to determine that the glory goes to God... not to the wearer of the item.
ReplyDeleteThe other part has to do when and where you wear the item or carry the sign. It is perfectly appropriate for men to wear swimming trunks at the pool with no shirt. But it is equally inappropriate to be soaking wet and shirtless at the local Wal-Mart. I just think you should be mindful of your audience.