Sunday, April 5, 2009

Throwing Matches

Do you have someone in your life that needs encouragement? How about someone that you need to witness to? I think we all have these types of people in our lives, but maybe we don't want to barrage them day after day with why they need to be saved, or why they need to come to church, or come to Sunday school, or begin tithing, or get stronger for the benefit of the kingdom, and on and on and on... Maybe we don't want to club them over the head everyday, but we can gently nudge them on whenever we have opportunity. It's kind of like throwing matches into a dark room. The dark room represents the improvement that needs to be made in the person's life. The match is the little bit of encouragement that we try to send on a daily basis.

Just imagine that that the person that you are encouraging is a completely dark room filled with fire wood. The fire wood is the realization of the individual that they need to improve some aspect of their life. But that fire wood will not catch fire without some help. That's where you come in. It is your job to throw match after match of encouragement, correction, and instruction to your family and friends. Notice that I said match, not torch! The more that you try to beat people up, the more they will resist. My approach is to gently nudge and allow the Holy Spirit to take over the situation. There will be opportunities to throw that torch every once and awhile. But don't feel bad if you can only throw a match. Many a blaze has been started with just one simple match. So just keep throwing matches at you friends. Eventually, you will set them on fire.

Peace and Love

Rev. Mike


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