There is a lady that attends my church that I will call Sister T. She has been a member at our church for many years. As long as I can remember, she has worn these butterfly pins on her right shoulder. I have often been curious about them but have never asked why she wore them; or even why she had them in such an unusual location. Last week, my brother and I were at church talking when she walked by. We all spoke to each other and my brother asked her why she always had the butterfly pins on whenever we saw her. He said that he had always been curious about them, but had just never asked.
Sister T. smiled and began to tell us how the butterfly was a representation of her life. She said that it reminded her where she came from in God. Just like the caterpillar makes the metamorphosis into the butterfly, she had also changed drastically from the person that she was before she accepted Jesus into the person that she is today. She said that she spent many years in her own cocoon waiting and changing. And although the process was sometimes painful, she felt as though she had emerged as a completely changed person; just as the butterfly is completely different from the caterpillar. She also said that the changing process was painful at times. But she knows now that it was necessary for her to be the woman that God wanted her to be.
I learned some things from her testimony. The first thing was that is good to ask questions. The second thing is that God takes us through conditions that change us for the better. I believe that we are all changing every day. Sometimes those changes are easily seen. Sometimes the changes occur on the inside where no one else can see them. But the really cool thing is that God is changing us for the better. All we have to do is be receptive and allow the metamorphosis to occur. Thanks Sister T.
Peace and Love,
Rev. Mike
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