The first situation involved one of my neighbors that got evicted from his house last Wednesday. I don't know him very well, but he had to leave within twelve hours of getting notice. All of the neighbors were helping him to load a moving van so that his possessions would not get left out in the yard in front of what used to be his place of residence. My wife and I went and helped with the moving of things, and I met a lot of my neighbors for the first time that day. It was a horrible way to meet the neighbors, to be sure.
The second situation happened on yesterday(a Wednesday again). I was driving home from work and took a different direction to avoid some traffic when I saw a man sitting on the side of the road. Not exactly on the side of the road, but about twenty feet away from the edge of the road. I knew that he was homeless by his clothes and hair, but something about him made me drive over to a convenience store and get a sandwich for him. It was probably the recent sermon my Pastor preached on the Good Samaritan. As I was driving back over to where I saw him, I wondered to myself if he would accept the sandwich or not. I called him over to my car and asked him if he was hungry. He said yes. I handed him the sandwich and told him my name was Michael. He smiled at me and said his name was Lazarus. I immediately though to myself that I was talking to Jesus(<---see this link for clarification). We talked for a couple of seconds and I left, but I couldn't help the feeling that I had just seen Jesus. Now, I didn't tell you these stories so that you could be impressed with how great I am. Trust me, I have a lot of flaws for God to work on! I told you these stories because they showed me a couple of things: 1. My life could be a lot worse. 2. Jesus is still walking this Earth, waiting to see who is going to speak to Him. Have you seen Jesus lately? Did you speak to Him? Just a thought. Peace and Love, Rev Mike
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I took my kids to Sonic one afternoon after a ball game to get a soda. While we were there, we all saw a homeless man ordering off the value menu. He only had a small amount of change, and was only able to get one small item. he looked very dirty, and very tired. I told my kids to stay in the car. I got out and introduced myself to him. I asked him if he was still hungry, and he said yes. I pressed the red button to order, and when they came on to get the order I told him to get whatever he wanted. All he ordered was a hamburger meal.....I told the lady to make it a double meat burger with a large tater tot, and the largest drink that they had. When the food came and I paid, the man was very grateful. After I paid the lady, I gave him a $20 bill and told him that I hoped it would help him in some way. I did not try to lay a bunch of holy roller stuff on a matter of fact, I did not even ask if he knew Jesus. i just wanted him to know that there are still people out in the world that notice, and people that care. I think that alone made him think more about the goodness of people than anything else would have. I believe that God did the rest. I got back in the car, and I told my girls that anytime you have the means to do so, that you should always help those that are less fortunate than yourself. There is not enough of this in the world anymore Mike. keep up the good work!