Current Reading: Exodus chapter 33-40.
Exodus is the book of the Bible that I was last reading when I stopped. I decided to go back and cover the high points of the book so that I would remember what was happening in the earlier chapters of the book. This is not meant to be a "cliff notes" version of the Bible for you. This is to create a greater accountability in me. I hope that by having to write down where I am in the RTBIAY program, I will continue reading and hopefully inspire someone else to either start reading or continue reading on there own. There are many RTBIAY programs out there. Please feel free to share your program link and where you are within the program. OK, back to Exodus...
The first 15 chapters of Exodus tell the story of the birth of Moses; and his purpose in helping the Israelites to leave Egypt. The Israelites are the original descendants of Joseph and his brothers, who are the sons of Jacob (Renamed Israel). Back in the book of Genesis, when Joseph was second in command to Pharaoh, he was allowed to move his entire family into Egypt. That is how the Israelites came to live in Egypt. They became enslaved when a new Pharaoh came into power that did not know or care who Joseph was. It was this Pharaoh that enslaved the Israelites and caused them to cry out to God to relieve them of their suffering.
The next chapters all the way through chapter 24 deals with God's specific laws for the Israelites. It talks about how they are supposed to treat each other and how they are to deal with God. The Ten Commandments were also given to them during this time. Exodus also talks about the Israelites getting used to being out of Egypt. It is interesting to note that the Israelites will repeat the desire to go back to Egypt on many occasions when times get hard in the wilderness. They stated at times that it would have been better to remain slaves in Egypt and eat well rather than die in the wilderness. It's kind of like our complaining when times get tough in our lives. It is important to remember that God is with us no matter what we are going through. That's something that I always need to remember.
The last chapters of Exodus from chapter 25 until the end of the book deals with the creation of the Tabernacle. God gave Moses specific instructions to give to the people concerning how the Tabernacle was to be constructed and what was to be placed inside of it. That include the dimensions, the materials, and the people who would physically make it. It is important to note that God gave the Israelites specific instructions on what they were supposed to do. I truly believe that God gives us specific instructions on what we are to do in life as well. We just have to really listen in order to hear His voice.
Next Stop: Leviticus!
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