1. I grew up in the Baptist Church
2. Joined the church and was baptized around the age of nine.
3. Somewhere around the 10th or 11th grade I truly knew what it meant to be saved.
4. Became a knuckle-head around the second semester of my Senior year in high school (alcohol, women, bad horror movies).
5. Pledged a fraternity my second semester of collage; thus taking my knuckle-headness-ness (I don't think that's a word) to the next level.
6. Nearly got expelled from school the following semester
7. Transferred to a collage closer to my home town and proceeded to graduate with honors.
8. Two DWI's and a near suicide three months before I was supposed to graduate.
9. Still Graduated with honors with a Marketing degree.
10. Moved to San Antonio, Texas in 1997. Realized a calling to the Ministry in 2001
11. Licensed to preach in July of 2001. Been working in the church as an associate minister while maintaining a secular job every since.
12. No formal seminary training.
13. Have witnessed the love, patience, and providence of God throughout my life.
14. Still learning and praying that I will have an opportunity to do full-time ministry.
Why am I telling you this? Recent events have reminded me that I need to search the scriptures more diligently so that I can properly explain why I believe what I believe and why the church does what it does. I recognize that there are others out there that have studied both formally and informally and have a wonderful knowledge of the scriptures. These people also understand the history of the church and can quote the Bible backwards and forwards. And although I value education, I have seen God work through many different types of people. I have seen uneducated pastors lead churches for many years without one misstep. And I have also watched as churches fell into civil war under the leadership of the most educated seminarians. For the record I do see myself attending seminary in the future. Just not in the immediate future (mainly due to finances).
Again, what's the point of this? I am admitting that I don't know everything. It was not this blog's intention to be a Christian reference; just this particular Christian's reference. But part of "Getting Dangerous" for God means following God's lead as He takes you in the direction that He needs you to go. So the direction of this blog has changed. I will continue to tell you about my experiences. But I will also try to educate you on what it truly means to be a Christian. With that in mind, I need your help. Your questions and your input will challenge me to learn more so that I can put more complete information on the blog. Future posts will include:
-The observance of the Lord's Supper
-What does it truly mean to be "saved"
-Other meaty bits of information
Don't worry; I'll still be my same charming self :). But understand that the intensity level is going to go up around here every once in a while. That may be good for some of you; or maybe not. But I feel this is the direction that God is taking the blog. And I am not the pilot of this ship. So if you are still okay with that, then have a seat and buckle up. Let's find out where we are going together.
Peace and Love,
Rev. Mike
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