Prayer Still Works!
John 15:7 “If you abide in me and my word abide in you, ask whatever you wish and it shall be done for you” (niv).
You can have everything that you want within the will of God if you just ask Him. What are your desires for your life? What are your desires for your family? It is all available to you through God’s will. We have been taught in the past that if you want something strongly enough, you will pull yourself up by your bootstraps and work your butt off to achieve it. And through hard work and sacrifice (of family, health, and morals), you will reach the plateaus of success. What we have not been taught is that the key ingredient to achieving anything of true value is to have God in the midst of your plans. Hard work is good. Dedication is good. Perseverance is necessary. But though God, all things are possible.
You see, God should be the one that we consult with before we decide what we are going to do in all aspects of our life. When we use God as our compass, then anything we ask for will be within the will of God. That means that we typically won’t ask for anything that would be in conflict with the will of God. That means that when we ask for the desires of our heart; it will match up with the desire of God’s heart for us. And if we happen to ask for something that is out of the will of God, then we can accept an answer of no because we know that God is in control of our lives and that He knows what’s best. And if we are truly within the will of God, everything that we endeavor to accomplish will be successful. So be encouraged! You can receive all the desires of your heart. All you have to do is ask. And it will be done in Jesus name! So be Encouraged! Your Joy is in the Lord!
Peace and Love,
Rev. Mike
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Rev Mike,
ReplyDeleteSo often I find myself asking God as a last resort, like nothing else has panned out, so I should go on and ask God...this is not correct belief on my part, and I'm grateful for your post. You and the Holy Spirit are going to get it through my head someday!
To follow up on your post and Dan's comment, one of the things I (and others in my prayer group) have noticed is that people just don't ask at all or, more frequently, don't ask specifically for exactly what they want. Sometimes, I think they are afraid they will get a no, so they don't ask, thinking subconsciously that they were to ask and not get a yes, somehow this would damage their faith, so it is better not to be specific at all or give the "out" that if it is God's will, then they will want it.
ReplyDeleteI disagree. I think we should ask -- simply and straightforward. God really knows what we want anyway and He will find the right answer for us. It might be yes, it might be no, it might be something we never considered but, oh, so much better than we had envisioned.
I think as we all grow in faith, we feel more comfortable with praying; thus we feel more comfortable asking of God and accepting the answer from God. Thank you both for your comments. Come back and visit again!