Sometimes, we do the same thing in our lives. And that is very similar to what Moses did in his early life. There was something inside Moses that made him know that he was responsible for the welfare of the children of Israel; but he initially went about it in the wrong way. In Exodus 2:11-25, the story is told of Moses killing an Egyptian and then being chastised by one of his own people about the incident. Verse 13 states that the Israelite asked him, "Who made you ruler and judge over us? Are you thinking of killing me as you killed the Egyptian?" Moses did eventually become responsible for all of the Israelites and it was because of him and his brother Aaron that the Israelites were freed from Egypt. And it was Moses that led the people to the Promised Land. This was God’s plan for Moses. I want to repeat that Moses knew that he had a purpose. But because that purpose was not completely revealed at that time, he went about it the wrong way and made a mistake. And because of that mistake, he ended up running away from the very people that he was trying to protect.
How are you like Moses in your life? Have you made any mistakes? Did you think about that mistake and say to yourself that you could have avoided some pains if you had just waited a little while longer before taking a particular action? Did you go Ready…Fire…Aim? And then did you look at the damage and realized that you should have aimed first? Don’t worry if you did. I have done the same thing as well. There are some things that I wish I would have thought out a little bit more before I committed to a particular action. But here’s the good news. Even though Moses made a mistake early in his life, he was still able to go ahead and be the man that God destined him to be. You and I can still be the men and women that God has destined us to be. All we have to do is listen for his voice and be obedient. After Moses had been out in the desert for a time, he met God in the form of the burning bush. It was at that moment that Moses was RE-AIMED into the correct direction. We have an opportunity to be re-aimed in the direction that God wants us to go. All we have to do is listen to God when He speaks to us and allow Him to direct our path. We too can be pointed in the right direction. God has a destiny for all of us. Just remember to be patient and allow Him to aim us.
Peace and Love,
Rev. Mike
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ReplyDeleteThis is a great post. Unfortunately, I have enough experience with this particular issue to write a book about it, but I have, indeed, felt forgiveness. I would say that right now I'm in the process of being re-aimed, and I look forward to where my shots land in the future.
Thanks Dan,
ReplyDeleteGood to see you. I saw your post where you talked about your mentor. He is a blessing for you. Take care.