You see, way back in the Garden of Eden, God told Adam that he could eat from any tree except for the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. And of course we know how that turned out. The serpent talked Adam’s wife, Eve into eating the fruit of the tree and she gave the fruit to Adam to eat. It was when Adam ate the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil that sin entered the world. It did not matter that Eve ate the fruit. God specifically told Adam not to eat of the fruit. That is important to remember. When Adam ate of the fruit, sin entered into the world. At that point, Adam became infected with what I would like to call a “sin gene.” A gene is “a hereditary unit consisting of a sequence of DNA that occupies a specific location on a chromosome and determines a particular characteristic in an organism.” That means that a certain characteristic that is inside of an organism can be passed onto another organism. These genes can be passed on from a parent to their child. Some examples of this are character traits like eye-color, baldness or sickle cell anemia. Because Adam was the one that possessed the sin gene, he passed it onto Cain and Able (his sons). And because babies are born from the result of a man and woman, the gene is passed from the parent to the child(male or female) in every situation; resulting in all children being born sinners. So I get back to my original question. How can Jesus be born as a human and not be born a sinner? And how can someone who is born a sinner from the start be perfect? The answer is in the fact that God did do something to keep Jesus from being born a sinner.
Remember that Mary was a virgin when she became pregnant with Jesus. She had never had sex with a man therefore the “sin gene” that all men carry was not passed onto her unborn son, Jesus. Because Jesus was born directly from the Holy Spirit, He avoided being infected with the sin gene because Mary herself could not pass it to Him. Thus, it was possible for him to be born as a human baby, with a Heavenly Father, a virgin mother, and a pure and sinless body. Why is this an important point? The Bible tells us that the wages of sin equals death and the only way to pay for sin is through a blood sacrifice. The sin sacrifice in the Old Testament was typically an unblemished lamb that did not have any flaws. Because Jesus had to die as a sin sacrifice for us, He needed to be pure and unblemished. God had to follow His own laws to the letter. Because sin entered into the world, God needed a way for sin to be defeated in the world. And that way was through the perfect death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Peace and Love,
Rev. Mike
Back to Homepage minds must think alike! I wrote this a while back..
ReplyDelete"So, you may have seen that I typed the "first Adam". Many of you may be saying, "You mean there was more than one Adam?" In short, yes there was. Read 1 Corinthians 15:45 and you will see what I am talking about. The Adam that we all grew up hearing about with Eve is known as the first Adam. The Last Adam was Christ. So why title this "Born Into Sin"? Well, most people know that when you were born into this world, you did not come in without sin. Even though you were an infant, and had done no still had sin hanging over your head. I know that alot of people say that a just God would not let that happen, and that if he really cared about us he would not have allowed that to be. Well, he is a just God, and back in the first Adam's day there were rules. Unfortunately Adam and Eve both broke the rules.
You have to understand that Adam represented all of the human race, he was our link to God. God has always dealt with mankind through a representative link, and the first Adam was that link. So, the first Adam was created in the image of God, but when he sinned with Eve, he destroyed and disgraced that image. So that damaged image, along with his sin was passed onto all generations from that would be us. So the first Adam reproduced what would become generations of sinners. when you were born, like it or not, you inherited that damaged image and the judgement that comes along with it. So, God did not try to fix the human race, he sent a new representative, Jesus. When Jesus died on the cross, he became the last Adam.
So, in the same way that the problem came through one man, the first Adam, the answer came through one man, Christ the last Adam. There is also a reason that Jesus was not called the second Adam. Second implies that there may be more to follow, but stating that something is the last leaves no doubt that nothing will follow. There would be no other Adam's following Christ, because God crucified the WHOLE of fallen humanity on the cross in Christ. So, we are all born into sin, and there is nothing unfair about it. We should be rejoicing in the fact that God saw fit to send his only son to save us. The only way out of your sin, and into Heaven is through the Son.....make no mistake, there is no other path."
I found this to be an excellent jumping off point to talk to people. Excellent post!