I'll give you another example of God's secrets that hits a little closer to home. I had at least two different people receive the vision of me becoming a minister before I actually understood my calling. One of the people was my brother. The other person was an old friend from high school. My friend actually told me about their vision for me. My brother kept the secret to himself. My brother received the vision four years before I actually accepted my calling. This lets you know that God had my destiny planned for me before I even knew about it. Looking back on that moment in my life, I realize that God did give me clues about my destiny. I wasn't ready to receive all of the information, so God didn't reveal everything. But as I continued to grow in wisdom and experience in God, I could see my destiny take shape before my eyes. Why do you think God gives us a secret? Here's a couple of ideas:
1. God may give the secret about you to someone else because you are not ready to receive it. If we knew everything that God had planned for us, we would probably go running in the other direction! God has to prepare us to receive our destiny.
2. The people in our lives are not ready to receive the secret. This is the opposite of number one. This happens a lot with churches and Pastors. Sometimes God gives an individual a vision for another person or a group of people before he reveals it to the others. This is because He uses the individual to help prepare the person or persons before the vision comes true.
3. God may give us a secret to keep us going. You may be going through a rough patch in your preparation process. Sometimes the rough patch makes you want to give up. God will reveal a bit of your destiny or someone else's destiny to you in order to motivate you. The revelation of the secret encourages you to hang in there until the destiny is completely fulfilled.
The wonderful thing about receiving a secret from God is that it is never a horrible secret or a dirty little secret. It is always a blessing that will eventually come to pass. And when it does come to pass, everyone will be blessed by it. Has God given you a secret? Hold on to it. Let it mature inside of you. It will be a wonderful blessing when it comes into existence.
Peace and Love,
Rev. Mike
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