How can we feed our spiritual body incorrectly? By exposing it to too many unhealthy things in this world. Now, just so you don't think I'm just talking about you, I will give you examples of things that I need to cut back on doing because they can mess up my spiritual body:
too much TV and Internet
too much secular music
engaging in gossip and slanderous conversations
All of these things can affect my spiritual body and cause me to lose focus on what I should really be doing. What I should be doing is focusing on those things that help to strengthen my spiritual body. Those things are:
praying and asking God for guidance
reading my Bible
being a servant to others
These things can help my spiritual body to grow stronger and be the weapon that God needs me to be. These are things that I constantly need to work on for myself. What do you need to work on? Let's look back on the day that we have just experienced. Have you fed your spiritual body healthy things today or have you fed it junk food? No matter what your answer, the good news is that you can spend the rest of today focusing on finding good things to feed it. This is not to say that you have to completely give up all your favorite shows on TV. It just means the you should be aware of how much you are taking in and how that can affect you. So lets all try to monitor what our spiritual man is taking in. And, let's both try to eat a little healthier from now on. I'll do better if you agree to do better as well. Promise? Me too.
Peace and Love,
Rev. Mike
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