Be An Encourager: The Blessing of the Closed Door
John 10:9-10 "I am the door; if anyone enters through me, he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life and have it abundantly."
Have you ever had a closed door experience? A closed door experience occurs when you are trying to go a certain direction; and suddenly you run into a permanent roadblock that stops you from achieving your desired goal. Your closed door may be a relationship that deteriorates and ends without warning. It could be a job position or promotion that you are qualified for, but cannot achieve. It might even be the loss of an object that you would like to obtain like a car or a house. In these situations, having a door close on you means that you cannot go any further on the path that you intended to travel. And when that does happen, it can be very painful. But you don’t have to worry about the doors that close in your life. You see, there is another door. And His name is Jesus.
It is through the door of Jesus that we have unlimited access to God the Father. Every blessing that God wants to give you is available for you to receive and enjoy. But you would have never had the chance to receive that blessing had you continued through the wrong door. That is why the door was shut. It was shut so that God could point you in the direction that you needed to go. And if God took time out to point you in a different direction; then that means that you are still within His will. So don’t dwell on the things that you may have missed out on. And don't dwell on the doors that were shut. Focus on how much God must love you to shut those doors and how He expressed that love through the gift of Jesus as the true door. Be encouraged in the blessings that you received and will continue to receive because of your new direction. And take comfort in the fact that you are in His perfect will.
Be Encouraged! Your Joy is in the Lord!
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