There was a young man that attended a church for as long as anyone could remember. The rumor was that he had mild mental condition, that left him slightly off kilter. He didn't talk much, but he had an interesting method of leading other people to Christ. Every Sunday, he would attend his church's service. Every Sunday he would sit in the same seat. Every Sunday, no one would pay attention to him. That is, until the invitation to join the church. Every Sunday during the invitation to join the church, the young man would get up, walk down the aisle, and sit in the chair reserved for those who desired to join the church. He was always the first one to sit down. After the young man sat down, other people usually walked down the aisle as well, sometimes for prayer, sometimes for testimony, and sometimes to accept Jesus Christ. It seemed easier for other people to come down because they knew that they were no longer the first one to have to move. After everyone had spoken, the young man would go back to his seat, without giving a testimony, asking for prayer, or anything thing else. You see, the church knew that the young man didn't have anything to say on Sunday mornings. But his desire was to take away the anxiety of being the first one to have to walk down the aisle and join the church. His ministry was helping others to feel easier about making that final decision to join the church. Pretty cool, huh?
That story I heard from a friend. This story I have been watching with my own eyes.
I work at a car dealership. There are cars there. We have a porter who is responsible for making sure the cars are presentable for the customers. These responsibilities include cleaning the cars, gassing up the cars, and taking care of the lot. He spends a lot of time in each car. I can always tell when he has been in a car because the radio is always set to FM 93.1. For those of you not living in San Antonio, this is a Christian radio station called K-LOVE. The tagline is Positive and Encouraging! Some people love the station, some people don't. But imagine how many people have been exposed to some type of encouragement via the radio by hearing Christian music. You may or may not like that type of contempory Christian music. Doesn't matter. What matters is that you were exposed to something that could possibly make you reconsider your relationship with Jesus Christ. Sounds like a stretch doesn't it? But the key to ministry is that people are exposed to Jesus. It doesn't matter how much, or how long. It only matters that the people are exposed. The Holy Spirit will take over from there. Today, I want you to try something. I want you to try to find some way to expose people to Jesus. It doesn't have to be a large exposure. Just a little one. Then let the Holy Spirit take over.
Peace and Love,
Rev. Mike
P.S. To the memory of Pastor CWB Jr.
Rest in peace
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