Here are some examples: A Christian that has never dealt with alcohol addiction may not be able to reach an alcoholic because they cannot understand what the addiction can do to a person. A single man may not be able to relate to the stress of a working wife with children. A Christian that is sixty may not be able to relate to a fourteen year old who knows right from wrong, but still wants to have their cake and eat it too. A 25 year old Christian may not relate to a sixty year old Christian who has the joy of Christ regardless of circumstances. All of these different people exist in the modern church. As church leaders and members, we all have different backgrounds and experiences that can be beneficial to other Christians. Note that I did not say "every" Christian. You will not have a close, personal relationship with every Christian. Nor do you have to. God will give you a group of people that you can grow stronger with and be encouraged by. It is my desire for you that each member of your "group" grows stronger and stronger every day. Because if every group in the church gets stronger, then the church as a whole gets stronger. And a stronger church produces stronger Christians, stronger ministries, and stronger communities. And that is the will of God.
Peace and Love,
Rev. Mike
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Good blog, Mike! You are doing a wonderful job with this, keep up the good work!--Pastor Cobbs