I've found some sites that I think may be of help to anyone that is dealing with pornography. There are a lot more out there than just these three, but I think they are a good start. Please be advised that some of the content is really graphic. But we have to remember that sin is a war against the devil. Sometimes we have to stop being nice and just get straight to the point. Here they are:
1. http://xxxchurch.com/- XXXchurch is designed to bring awareness, openness and accountability to those affected by pornography. We are an online community that tours the world speaking at colleges, churches and community centers. XXXchurch.com exists to help those who are in over their heads with pornography, both consumers and those in the industry.
2. The Pink Cross Foundation- Our mission is to share the good news of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination. We also combat community deterioration due to pornography and prostitution through attempts to educate legislation in order to enforce health and safety laws within the pornography industry, to protect adult industry workers from sexually transmitted diseases and other job-related abuses, to ameliorate the secondary negative effects of pornography on the general public and to toughen laws to protect children from accessing online pornography.
3. The Prestige Ministry -a ministry that helps women get out of the sex industry (located in Atlanta, Ga). Prestige is a program designed to help empower and build the self-esteem and self-worth of women who are involved in the sex industry, including, but not limited to, prostitutes and exotic dancers. Our goal is to demonstrate the love of God to these precious women and reach out to them in a non-judgmental and accepting way.
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