Abraham was 75 years old when God spoke to him and told him to go to a land that He would show him (Genesis chapter 12). He was around 80 years old when God told him that he would be the father of all nations (Genesis chapter 15). He was 100 years old when Isaac was born (Genesis 21:5).
Joseph was approximately 17 years old when he told his family that he dreamed of them bowing down to him (Genesis 37). He was 30 years old when he entered the service of Pharoah (Genesis 41:46). His brothers came to him to purchase food soon after that.
Moses was 40 years old when he slew the Egyptian that was beating his fellow Hebrew (Exodus 2:11). He then hid in the desert for another 40 years until he met God in the burning bush (Exodus 3). He was 120 years old when he died just outside of the Promised Land after leading the Children of Isreal out of Egypt (Deuteronomy 34:7).
King David
David was annointed to be the next king of Israel somewhere around the age of 14 to 17 (I Samuel 16). He killed Goliath in battle shortly after that. He did not actually become king until he turned 30 (II Samuel 5).
Jesus was thirty years old when He began his public ministry.
Paul was said to be around his late thirties to early fourties when he had his Damascus Road experience. He had lived his life up to that moment as a persecuter of the church.
These are a few examples of God preparing individuals for their destiny. The things that they did before entering their destiny were neccessary; either for preparation or positioning. God saw fit to reveal a little of that destiny to them. Yet He also had to get them ready to enter their destiny. I feel that God has revealed a little of my destiny to me. I have to remind myself that this is simply my time of preparation. I had an idea of my destiny in 2001. It still has not come to pass. But I am better prepared to enter my destiny now than I was back then. I'll ask my questions again:
1. Do you have an idea of what your destiny is?
2. Have you received an idea of what God wants you to do; yet it seem like God is taking a long time to allow you to completely enter that destiny?
Take heart. God knows what He is doing. And you are further along than you think.
Peace and Love,
Rev Mike
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This is so true...I do think that God has certain plans for me, but He sure does take His time it seems...this can sometimes be frustrating.
ReplyDeleteBut I guess I'm in some good company!
Great post :)
God Bless,
This could not have come at a more relevant time! I got a vision of what my future will look like (I'm about 90% sure it's from God, but you never know) but it seems soooo far off! Thanks for encouraging me and reminding me that God does things in His own time - not ours.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for sharing!
My father in law reminded me about David this weekend. Not really what I wanted to hear at the time, but the message hit home.
ReplyDeleteForgot about Joshua. Worked under Moses thoughout the 40 vacation in the wilderness. When Moses died, he led the Israelites accross the Jordan river into the Promised Land. Another example to add to the others.