I am told that he was a Pastor of a church in Kyle, Texas for well over twenty years. When I first met Rev. R.W. around 1998, he was already the Minister of Pastoral Care at my church . The minister of Pastoral Care's responsibility is to visit the sick and shut in members of our church. Rev W. has always been a valuable asset to the pastor because he was able to spend time with those who were unable to attend church on a reagular basis. Over the years, he has prayed with countless members and their families. He has been there for weddings, funerals, and baby dedications. He became such a comforter to the membership that he was usually the first one requested by the family in the event of a crisis. I can remember visiting older members on the days that he was unable to make it out and having to console them not on the fact that they were sick or shut-in, but due to their concern about Rev. W. It's a wonderful testimony of his life and his ministry.
Unfortunately, Rev W. is unable to drive out to visit the members anymore. He is (I believe) over 90 years old, can no longer drive, and is currently living in a rehabilitation hospital. He is not one that visits the members, but he is the one that the members will go to visit. God is not through with his ministry yet. He is now teaching a bible study class to his fellow residents in the rehab hospital. He is continuing to be a servant even now, and he is still a blessing to others.
I used to wonder why someone would stay in the ministry their entire life. I wondered what the point was. I now see I was blessed to watch Rev. W and others serve proudly and diligently for decades, without celebrity status or exceptional wealth. God has allowed me to see the benefits of serving others and the blessing of seeing them grow and mature as they go through trials and successes. The blessing comes in seeing someone else grow closer to God so that they can be what He would have them to be. The second blessing is in knowing that God allowed you to be a part of that growth process. Rev. W has been a part of the growth process for a lot of members (including me) over the years. And he has shown me how to be a better comforter as I continue my own ministry. For that I am eternally grateful. Thank you Rev W, for helping me to grow stronger in and for Christ.
Peace and love,
Rev. Mike
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