Look what you did! More importantly, look what God has allowed to happen. All These Things has accomplished a couple of milestones over the past two months. The blog went over the 1000 visits mark in August! And during the month of September, "All These Things" registered 398 visits (a new monthly record!). Now I am well aware that some blogs are registering over 500 visits per day but I thank God that the blog is growing and will continue to grow. Thank you to everyone that has visited and signed up as a follower of the blog this year. This includes Facebook, Blogged.com, and Google followers as well as those of you that have signed up via RSS feed. Remember that you can also register your email address with the blog in order to receive new updates in your inbox that you can send to your friends and family. Just see the tab that says, "To receive "All These Things" via email, please enter address here," on the right side of the screen----->. Thank you again for your visits, comments, and participation.
Peace and Love,
Rev. Mike

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