In this, my first post, I would like to let you know how the name of this blog came about and the reasons why I have decided to begin it. The answer is actually quite simple. The Bible states in Matthew 6:33, "But seek ye first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well"(niv). I am finding that these words ring true more and more each day for me and my family. I truly believe that God has provided (and will continue to provide) all of our needs. Those needs include food, clothing, shelter, peace of mind, and whatever else I think I need. But more importantly, I am working on myself to allow God to work in my life and show me the way that He will provide. Does that make sense? The reason the blog address is spelled "alltheezthingz" is because I wanted to keep it real and represent for tha streets!! Just kidding. It took a long time to find a blog title that was not already taken.
So who am I? I am, for now, going to leave my name, face, and likeness as a poorly hidden secret. This is mainly because I want the words of my mouth (or the typing of my computer), to be larger than my physical face. I'm not in this for the fame, although I would love to be rich! I truly believe that I have something important to say. I also believe that my experiences in life can be related to by a lot of people. I hope that this proves to be true. I have been many things in life. I have been the alcoholic, a crazy collage kid, and the lonely depressed guy that tried to kill himself. I was almost an officer in the Marine Corps. I was the man you wanted your daughter to marry, and the guy you wanted to kill because of the way he treated your sister. I have had a lot of money, and I have been dead broke. I have been happy, sad, influential, and embarrassing. How, you ask? Stay tuned...
Peace and Love,
Rev. Mike
Rev Who?
I wanted to give you a bit of background information on who I am, where I come from, and some of what I am about. I am originally from Louisiana; but I have lived in South Texas since 1997. "I wasn't born in Texas, but I got here as soon as I could!" I have a BS in Marketing from GSU (figure that one out), and my secular job is in the sales industry. I am a licensed minister at my church, and my wife S. and I work together with the children in a program called Superchurch. This is when we take the little kids down to the basement of our church and teach them a Bible lesson while the adults are in "Big People's" church. We have been married for six years and we have a five year old son. I received my calling into the ministry in 2001 and preached my first sermon on July 18, 2001. Our church has been blessed in the fact that we have twelve associate ministers to assist our pastor in the Sunday morning worship, as well as with the congregation. Our congregation a diverse group of people, representing many different races, backgrounds, and situations. We have members that have attended our church for generations, and members that have attended our church for a couple of weeks.
I have grown a lot in the past eleven years that I have attended our church. When I first arrived there, I was single, angry, and didn't have a driver's license. I will tell you that story later. I met my wife at church, got married at my church, and continue to work in my church. And I have grown closer to God in spirit, and in truth. Am I perfect? Ha! Ha! Most certainly not. Am I the man that I should be? Not even close. Am I better off than I was. Certainly. My goal with this blog is to let you know that I am not perfect, as I am sure that you are not perfect. But I am going to attempt to tell you the things that I have learned in the hopes that you will gain some insight to me as a person, as well as some insight to what God has done in my life. And together, we can grow even closer to God together. Let the journey continue.
Peace and Love,
Rev. Mike
Good News: President Joe Biden Announces He Is Canceling An Additional $9
Billion In Student Loan Debt.
President Joe Biden announced on Wednesday that he is canceling an
additional $9 billion in student debt as repayments started up again this
month after...
1 year ago